Orthomolecular nutrition therapy (anti-aging nutrition thrapy)

Our medical ratment policy

Nutrition therapy at the molecular level (orthomolecular nutrition therapy) begins with a blood test (measured in regular medical examinations and human docks does not incude detailed items)。
Blood test data is an index that clearly and objectively shows the state and nutritional status of the body at the molecular level.

Blood data is analyzed by doctor based on nutritional medicine methodologies and clinical data accumulated so far,after clarifying the nutritional issues that differ for each examinee, we will present the necessary nutrients and amount.

Is the selected nutritional approach effective to confirm the effect by blood test even after the start of treatment can be evaluated scintifically.

"SOmehow something is wrong,,," The upset may by due to malnutrition at the molecular level

  • I can't get tired, my body is sluggish
  • I can't sleep well
  • Lack of concentration
  • Skin, hair, and nails are upset
  • Upset before menstruation
  • Easy to feel depressed
  • Get annoyed
  • Easy to catch a cold
  • My nails are not in good condition

Speciffic examples of common molecular-level malnutrition

Iron deficiency

Symptoms: lightheadedness,dizziness, tinnitus, headache, arthralgia, muscle aches,bruising, throat discomfort, pre-menstrual upset,evening fatigue lying down, easy to get a rash (cosmetics, metal), poor circulation, neuralgia

Iron deficiency includes (1) insufficient iron intake (increased processed and refined foods, etc.), (2) iron malabsorption (gastrointestinal disorders and decreased gastric acid secretion function), and (3) iron demand.
It is caused by increased demand (growth period, especially adolescent girls and athletes who start menstruation, pregnancy period).

B vitamins

Symptoms: Ican't get tired even when I sleep, my memory is weak, I'm irritated, I have good mouth ulcers, I'm sensutuve to sound feeling, often having nightmares

B vitamins are metabolic vitamins that are indispensable for energy production, which is the source of life activities. Processed foods have a low content of B vitamins, and their consumption increases due to inflammation, stress, and infectious diseases such as atopy and hay fever.

Vitamin D, calcium, isoflavones

Symptoms: osteoporosis

Bone loss that progresses with age can be prevented and ameliorated by proper lifestyle and ameliorated by proper lifestyle and supplementation of necessary nutrients. Especially in women, the bone mass decreases rapidly after menopause, which causes not only mild osteoporosis but also many diseases.

Protein deficiency

Those who fall under the following items are likely to be deficient in protein.

  • Mainly vegetables that do not eat much meat and eggs
  • I think that I can get enough protein from soy foods
  • I finish my meal with rice, bread and noodles
  • I am in the growing season
  • I am pregnant and lactating
  • I am using steroids
  • I play sports, my body I am working
  • I often using stomach medicine

Cost of nutrition therapy at the molecular level (orthomolecular nutrition therapy)

(Clinical treatment menufor free medicak treatment: You cannot receive medicaltreatment on the same day as insurance medical treatment) Fee (excluding tax)
Examination fee (first examination, within 30 minutes when the test result is explained) 7,500 yen
  Or (for continuous prescription after the third time: within 15 minutes) (4,000 yen)
  (Extension every 10 minutes) (2,500 yen)
Initial blood test (including answer analysis report) 25,000yen
  Or (if there is no nutrition analysis report after the second time: Approximately every 6 months) (21,000 yen)
Drugs / Supplements (Estimated monthly amount for 1 to 3 types of prescription drugs / supplements) 4,000 yen~16,000 yen

Prices are as of Feb 1, 2024. It may be revised without notice in the future.

Precautions for the first visit:

・At the first visit, there will be a blood test and a urine test.

・Please bring the following materials.
ーResults of regular medical examinations or human docksMedication notebook
ーMedication notebook
ーIf there are supplements used, materials that show the ingredients (packaging container or photo of ingredient display